MindScApe Entertainment

MindScApe Entertainment

"Official WebSite"

Joe "J Rag" Rago. HipHop & R&B Recording Artist, Writer, Producer, Arranger, Actor, Model, & Entertainer. J Rag is also Founder, CEO, & President as well as The Executive Producer of MindScApe Entertainment(R). MindScApe Entertainment is a full entity Entertainment Company in Philadelphia, Pa. It is a Record Label complete with Artists & Talent, Writers, Producers, Engineers, and Recording Studio's and Facilities including J Rag's After Dark Studio's & Productions; Also A&R Team, PR, Artist Development, Management, Agents, Brokers, Party & Event Planning & Promotions, Promoters, Street Teams, Marketing, & Much More.....


MindScApe Entertainment(R).

"In The Mirror"

"Official J Rag Blog"

MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

"In This Life"

Welcome to The Official WebSite for MindScApe Entertainment and The J Rag Blog "In The Mirror".

A look at Music, Entertainment, Trends, Fashion, Entertainment News, Pop Culture, & Luxury LifeStyle.

MindScApe Entertainment

MindScApe Entertainment
(c) J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

MindScApe Entertainment(R).

MindScApe Entertainment(R).
After Dark Studio's & Productions

MindScApe Entertainment(R).

MindScApe Entertainment(R).
Jazz [of The Legendary R&B Group 'DRU HILL'] with J Rag

J RagTv

J RagTv
StarFire Cigs

"Woofas" (Official Music Video)

J Rag & Jazz in The Studio

J Rag & Jazz in The Studio
J Rag & Jazz of DrU Hill in Studio with 99.3 The Kiss Radio Host DJ Jason E.

Payments & Services

MindScApe Entertainment(R).

J Rag @ Daddy's House

"Love Money InK" [Music Video]

Jon B. Video Drop

Saturday, December 31, 2011

How To Make Her Feel Special

The majority of women have a need to feel special and cared for, and nothing can impress a woman more than a guy who can make her feel special and treat her like the ultimate queen.

Each guy has his own special way to make his woman feel special but there are certain techniques which work on almost all women, all the time. Here are 10 ways to show her what she means to you.

1. Give her a back rub or foot massage sometimes.

2. Look at her and tell her how beautiful she is to you.

3. Fix something around the house. A handyman is very sexy.

4. Listen to her, even when she's just rambling a bit and never make her feel down.

5. Give her true praise where she deserves it.

6. Send her love songs, cards and some cute love letters just because.

7. Do not act like all you are interested in is sex.

8. Be supportive and let her know that no matter what, you will be there for her.

9. Remember important dates like birthdays, anniversaries and other milestones. These are all opportunities to show her how special she is to you.

10. Remember what she likes and dislikes. She will be very impressed that you have been paying attention

Live In Philly

Attracting High-Quality Women

Attracting High Quality Women

To attract a high-quality woman, you must first build a high quality life of integrity for yourself that brings great satisfaction. Improving your quality of life is all about developing on your existing strengths. Showing women that you are a truthful, sincere and respectful man can do the trick. Your lifestyle decides the type of person you are.

For example, if you spend every weekend in the bars and strip clubs, you will not have many high quality women seeking you out. When trying to discover the best places to meet single women, However, consider becoming a regular at some of the upper-class events like jazz concerts or becoming active in some of the more high-profile and respectable honorary activities in your area. Being seen at events like these automatically places you in the vicinity of the proper class of women who will notice you. Develop a social circle that gives you a ton of activities to participate in that you enjoy. Improve relations with your family. You'll feel much better, and more content.

A high quality woman is somebody who would really catch your attention, especially with her physical traits. Keep in mind that in return she will be expecting you to look your best for her also. Good looks has a lot to do with personal hygiene and how well you take care of your body. Wearing good-looking and appropriate clothes is as important as keeping your nails clean and manicured (yes, manicured) and your nose hairs from showing. A woman who is a go-getter will look for a man who holds similar beliefs.

The equation is very logical – the higher your own quality of life, the more you'll attract high class women. But always remember, A WOMAN WILL NOT FULFILL YOUR LIFE. You must fulfill your own life.

When You Get Caught Cheating

When You Get Caught Cheating
When you get caught cheating, the whole world comes crashing down. Your girlfriend's head will seemingly become a whirlwind of pain and anger, and there's nothing that you can do but stand there and tell her you're sorry. No amount of apologizing can change her mind, and nothing you can say will ease her pain. In other words, a mere apology just will not suffice.

While there is no one reason why men cheat, most men that engage in these practices are either looking for something that their girlfriend is not providing, they actually desire to be with different women or they are just commitment phobic. All men know or should know that cheating is wrong; however, in troubled relationships, cheating can be an easy alternative to the burden of a relationship breakup. Make no mistake about it--when your girlfriend finds out you've been with another woman, she's going to be furious for a while. Some women will demand to know what happened, how long it's been going on, and what you've been doing with this other woman, etc... As your girlfriend rages against you and the emotions fly, you'll begin looking for ways to undo what you did. The bad news is that you can't.

One of the worst things you can do after cheating on a girl is try to blame something or someone else. In a situation like this, she's concerned with her own emotions, and the last thing she wants to hear about is how "badly" you feel. So avoid telling her stuff like "I feel terrible that this happened". If you truly love and care about your girlfriend, you should feel some pain and guilt. When she is sufficiently calm, make a heartfelt, genuine apology for cheating on her. Take responsibility for cheating on her and don't defer the blame onto your lover, how much you had to drink, or whatever. When you agree with her that this is definitely your own fault, her anger can finally start draining away; however, don't think that just a couple of days will be enough for her to get over what you did.

Some women will cheat on you in retaliation ( with a guy who's hotter than you) or just choose not to forgive you and move on. Even if you're lucky enough to have a a girlfriend who is truly forgiving, loving and understanding --the relationship will change forever. Make no mistake about it: cheating automatically kills the trust that your lady had for you. Her allegiance and dedication to you will drop immediately, and even if she does not state it verbally, you'll see the change in her demeanor when she's around you. She will always have trust issues with you from that moment, and although she may try to forget what you did, she will always be hurt.

Keep in mind that although she may forgive and forget, your girlfriend's family and friends will always have a longer memory than she does and will still hate you long after she forgave you. You also have to deal with the possibility of the fling that you hooked up with wanting to be your main squeeze and possibly causing even more problems for your already damaged relationship.

J RagTv: Keith Seat Interview

Mind Over Matter

No matter the situation, never let your emotions over power your Intelligence.

Real Talk

Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.......


"In This Life"

Too many funerals, not enough graduations, too many baby showers, not enough weddings......

Does anybody care to touch on that...... Here is some reality as we approach a New Year!! Let's make 2012 a Better year......

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Hope that everyone had a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!! Every Child deserves to Smile on Christmas Morning!! The Time for Celebrating Christ!! Love, Friends, Family, and everyone that is the closest to you!! The Time for Giving and Sharing!!

Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!!

Everyone enjoy the Holiday Season with Family and Friends!! Be Safe and Have Fun and Bring in the New Year the right way!! Happy New Year!!

"My Valentine"

Celebrate Valentine's Day with J Rag @ The Theatre in Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY with Special Guests Keith Sweat, Dru HiLL, Jagged Edge, Case, Carl Thomas, Joe, & Donnell Jones..........

MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).


One On One

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

In The Mirror

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

The Art Of The Kiss

The Art of Kissing

Many women put a lot of stock in a man’s kissing ability. Some women even claim that a first kiss is a solid early indicator of how the relationship turn out. It ranges from the light pecks that convey a simple feeling of respect and appreciation to the passionate French kiss.

The first step to kissing is known as finding her comfort level. Make sure she is ready for a kiss and do not start anything until she is comfortable. The timing of the first kiss is essential and is the first step to increasing her desire for you. Wait until she’s paying attention before you lean in for the kiss or things could get really awkward and remember to keep your hands to yourself unless she says otherwise.

An important factor in kissing is your breath. Trust me, you don't want to be turning women off with bad breath. Keep it fresh and brush your teeth regularly, floss, and use alcohol-free mouthwash. Don’t go overboard with breath fresheners, but do make sure that the smell and taste of your mouth isn’t offensive in any way.

Remember to keep the drool under control and make sure to wipe your nose beforehand. Also, if you have a really bad breath problem, get it sorted out you really need to get it sorted out or you may never be kissed again.

Starting The Conversation

Conversation is the most important tool used to create rapport with women. Women base things on feelings. So have you ever stopped to think how your words could make a woman feel? When meeting new women , here are some guidelines for conversation starters that will keep her feeling good and keep her interested in you.

1. Keep her talking about herself and use her name. Don’t try to impress her. Don’t brag about yourself or you’ll get precisely the kind of woman you don’t want, the one who’s only into you for your achievements and possessions, rather than for who you really are. Women love to hear their name.

2. Don't discuss negative things that could arouse negative emotions. Being negative could destroy any chance of healthy conversations or potential good relationships with desirable women.

3. Do not get in the habit of complimenting her too much. It is one of the signs of being needy and can work against you very easily. Don't put a woman on a pedestal--if she's so great, why is she talking to you? Treat women as your equal, not as someone better or lesser than you. You need to believe and act like you are just as much of a good man as she is a good woman.

4. Don't be afraid to disagree with her. Women don't respect a man that doesn't express his own opinions. Constantly agreeing with her is another sign of desperation.

5. Don't seem too interested. Yet another sign of desperation. Just be friendly until she has shown attractive personality qualities

The Right Woman For A Single Dad

You’re a single dad now and that means that you have to carefully consider the qualities to look for in the woman who may one day be part of your child’s life. When jumping back into the dating scene, you must consider whether or not the woman that your dating has the ability to be a sufficient female role model for your children.

When dating as a single dad, the best woman for you is one who deeply and instinctively appreciates children. Being a single father, any woman you invite into your life will impact your child in some way. Keep in mind that there are women out there who have very little interest and/ or dislike children altogether. Finding out how a woman who feels about children before you even go on a first date will help you decide if this relationship is one worth pursuing. Remember, you are looking for a woman who is caring and treats your kids with a lot of love. The woman you are dating should have a soft spot for your kids and should show them plenty of affection because that is the only way they will bond and connect with her.

Any woman that wants to be a part of your life has to understand that when you are an active single father, your kids have to be your priority. The woman you're dating should be patient and understand that as a single dad, you always have to be prepared for the unexpected regardless of your child’s age, like those nights when you'll have to cancel that intimate date and rush your little one to the emergency room. A good woman will automatically understand that you have enough love in you to share with her as well. If she isn't flexible and throws tantrums when your kids dare to take your time away from her, you should stop seeing her.

A single father is a special guy, and a special guy needs to meet a special woman who will empathetic enough to love you and your kids. Juggling between drama-queen girlfriends and your kids just does not work out. Remember, trust your instincts and avoid any woman who gives you any wrong vibes. Chances are if your gut says no, this woman probably isn’t right for you or your children.

The Wedding Song

You Mean That Much To Me

Top 10 Chivalrous Acts

Top 10: Chivalrous Acts

Women are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman. Following these simple tips will allow the ladies to perceive you as a man of good breeding and taste, so begin elevating yourself by displaying chivalry and the following 10 mannerisms of a true gentleman.

1. Always open doors
This is perhaps the most basic rule of male etiquette out there. It is also one of the easiest to follow so you have no reason to forget it. Whether she is about to enter your car, restaurant, club, or anyplace with a door, you should always hold it open. If there are many doors, then hold them open one after the other.

2. Put her coat on for her
Always help a lady put on her coat. This is a simple but powerful action.

3. Help with her seat
If a lady arrives at the table and there are no available seats, you should stand up and offer yours to her. If an unaccompanied lady is sitting next to you, it is important that you help her be seated by pulling her chair out for her and gently pushing it back into place, with the lady seated of course.

4. Stand at attention
Always stand when a lady enters or exits the room. This rule has been somewhat relaxed, so you can stand upon entrance but remain seated upon exit. Nonetheless, if you can do both, you should. Furthermore, when escorting a lady (that you know) to and from social events, you should offer her your arm. This is a little more intimate, but serves well when walking on uneven ground -- especially if she's wearing high heels.

5. Ask if she needs anything
This is one that most guys already do, but helps complete the gentlemen in all of us nevertheless. When at social events, make sure to ask the lady if you can get her something to drink or eat. Show her that you care about her comfort and needs.

6. Always be polite
Even if you don't like someone, there is no need to lower yourself to their level. Be polite and courteous; show that you're the better man. Swearing is also a big no-no. It shows that you don't have the vocabulary to express your thoughts appropriately. Furthermore, it is always very crude and impolite to be vulgar. When you speak loudly, it raises the stress level among company. It always implies that you can't reason with people and that you have to rely on
force to get your point across. It also draws negative attention.

7. Do not lose your temper
When you lose your temper, you are showing everyone that you can't control your emotions. If you can't even control yourself, then how can you possibly control anything else? It is not easy, but keep your cool at all times. It is worth the effort and people will take positive note of your levelheadedness. Let people finish what they are saying before adding your comments. Interrupting others is a sign of poor etiquette and a lack of social skills. If you want to come across as egotistical, you can do so by constantly interrupting.

8. Do not stare
Ogling someone is the equivalent of psychological aggression. You don't want to intimidate people for no reason.

9. Do not spit
Although lots of men do this almost subconsciously, don't spit in public. Spitting is very crude and not too pretty to look at. Do not spit in public unless you want to look like you were raised in a sewer.

10. Respect your elders
In fact, you should respect others as you would like them to respect you. I am specifying elders because it seems that today, young men think they know it all. Well, they don't. Just think of yourself five years ago... you're much smarter and experienced today, aren't you?

5 Signs Of Relationship Problems

There are times in all romantic relationships when things don't run smoothly and can be difficult to understand--even in the most ideal of circumstances. Although relationships have their ups and downs, there are things you can both do that can minimize problems. Below are five of the most common relationship problems along with solutions that can help you have a better relationship.

1. Communication
The foundation and relative success of every relationship you maintain in life is built on communication; however, it is also the most common relationship problem. All relationship problems stem from poor communication skills, but if you want your relationship to work, you need to learn how to talk and listen properly to your partner.

It's no secret--men and women have very different communication styles; however, most men don't realize that a woman's idea of communication means actually listening to what she has to say and understanding her, as well as relate to her problems without judging her or providing unwanted advice. So, block off an hour or two for quality time with her and make the effort after a long day to discuss work, friends, your relationship, etc..

2. Sex
Their comes a time in any sexual relationship when you may feel you are not getting what you want or that you are not satisfying your woman. Even couples who love each other can be incompatible sexually. Compounding these problems is the fact that men and women alike are sorely lacking in sex education and sexual self-awareness.

If sitting down together and having a talk session about improving your sex life is too difficult, you may find that it is easier for you to show your partner what you want done differently or guide your partner during lovemaking. You may even find that your partner might have suggestions of her own. If you keep an open mind and attitude, you can avoid offending her and actually improve both of your styles and skills in the bedroom.

3. Not prioritizing your relationship
You can schedule time for sports, eating and going out with the fellas, don't you? So why should scheduling quality time with your woman be any different? Schedule time together on the calendar just as you would any other important event in your life and keep her interested in the relationship by doing things like making gestures of appreciation, compliment her, contacting her throughout the day, and showing genuine interest in her.

4. Trust
Trust is an essential part of any relationship. Ask yourself if there are certain behaviors or unresolved issues that are causing you and your partner not to trust each other? You and your partner can resolve trust issues by making a sincere effort to be open and truthful with each other, letting go of past grievances and doing simple things like being consistent, calling when you say you will, respecting each others boundaries and not overreacting when things go wrong.

5. Moving too fast
Some couples can go from casual to serious very quickly because they have so much in common or because of great sex. Some people move so quickly in new relationships that they become blinded by what they believe is true love or they're simply tired of being alone and would rather be with anyone to feel loved.

Whatever the reason, some relationships get way too serious way too fast and if you find yourself in such a situation, you might start looking for ways to take it down a notch. Doing things like group dating, avoiding spending the night at her place or inviting her to spend the night at yours and making post-date plans will keep you from spending all of your free time with her will make things feel a little less serious--at least for the time being.

Understanding Her Body Language

Signs of Negative Body Language

So you finally landed a date with a hot girl you thought you'd never have a chance with; however, you didn't notice that by her backing away from you, using her hand as a subtle barrier to keep you at bay, and fanning the air with her "goodbye" message, her body contradicted every kind word her lips said to you.

Still, you were excited about all the "possibilities" -- until two days later, when you made the promised phone call to her and you heard, "You know, I don't think we really have enough in common to see each other again." Where did that come from? Didn't she say it would be great if you called?

When it comes to understanding a woman, what she's doing is just as important as what she's saying -- sometimes more so. Maybe she didn't consciously know she had reservations about seeing you until much later, but her body knew from the get-go and was letting you know with key rejection signals. And since you weren't reading her completely, you wound up getting blindsided.

Understanding a woman's body language will give you a better idea of what she's really thinking and feeling along with saving you a lot of unnecessary heartache. So, the next time you meet a woman you're interested in, watch for the following 3 physical signs that she's not into you so you'll know when you need to change your approach and move on to someone else.

1. Disinterest
If your date smiles with her mouth but not her eyes and keeps looking away while you speak to her, she's probably not interested and is just trying to be polite and not lead you on. Other signs of disinterest may include her tapping or drumming her fingers, slapping a fake smile on her face without laughing, leaning away from you and just flat out making excuses to leave as soon as possible.

2. She avoids physical proximity
If a woman is attracted to you, she will naturally want to be close to you. However, if a woman keeps you at arm's length at all times, she's defensive, guarded and may also be protecting her personal space, so make sure you don't get too close.

3. Anger
If she flays her hands instantaneously when demonstrating a point or makes sudden motions when emphasizing some matters, your presence is agitating her--in a bad way. If her hands are placed on her hips or she's swinging her foot in your direction, consider that she's actually making a kicking motion towards you--which are both very, very bad signs.

If a woman is displaying these 3 signs, she's just not feeling it and there's really little point in pursuing this cold fish.

The Importance Of Making A Woman Laugh

The Importance of Making Women Laugh

Is there anything more attractive than a guy who can make women laugh? Using humor can relieve the nervous tension of first date jitters and level the ground between you, negate worries about "not being or looking good enough" and draw a man and a woman closer together. Even though some women fall for a guy's impressive job, savings account or his sexy body, the ability to make them laugh is a renowned dating and flirting strategy that works every time--if you know how to use it right.

Whether you realize it or not, humor is critical to your success with women. In fact, a sense of humor usually tops a woman's attraction wish list and is one of the best ways to turn her on. A woman who finds herself laughing along with your great sense of humor is a girl who is more likely to fall for your charms. Another key component of laughter is that when you’re funny around women, it presents you as the kind of guy who’s fun to be with, and if a woman is really interested romantically, she'll laugh at your jokes--even if they aren't funny!

Although laughter is a very effective dating technique, many guys get it completely wrong when they try to be funny around women. Guys who are desperately trying to seek a woman's approval do things like slap-sticky humor or act like a clown, making it obvious that they're trying to make her laugh and coming across as goofy or dorky. Not good.

In order to get a woman laughing and attracted at the same time, you have to get an idea as to what she may find amusing and tease her; however, this doesn't mean be a jerk. It means using gestures, facial expressions and voice tone to create a fun and flirty vibe and assume familiarity with her by doing things like mocking her voice, telling her funny jokes and stories and using your humor to break the touch barrier while making her laugh at the same time.

The only downside to this strategy is that when you're only teasing and making women laugh, you're not showing them the other parts of your personality. Humor is an effective tool, don’t get me wrong, but don’t rely on it to create attraction all by itself. When meeting new women, you don’t necessarily want to kick off every discussion with a joke. Instead, learn a little bit about the woman first and ask her questions, then once you’ve got her talking, you will gain access to more of her personality and seem like a more well-rounded and interesting type of guy.

When it comes to creating attraction, humor can be your most effective tool when you're talking to a woman. Not only will showing off your great sense of humor get a girl to laugh--it's bound to ensure that both of you enjoy your time spent together

Dating A Single Parent

Dating a Woman with a Child, or A Man with a Child.... Rules really apply both ways.... Both go in one and the same..... Dating a Single Parent can be a Challange.... Or may be thought to be a Challange.....

Few dating scenarios can prepare you for the challenge of dating a single mother. The mere fact that she is a mother should tell you that she has experience with men. The single mother is confident of her relationship needs and will tell you upfront what she expects and wants from you. If you are considering dating a single mother, there are a few things you should know.

First, you must realize that when dating single mothers, there is more to the equation than the two of you-there is a child or children to consider too. Dating single parents can be equally challenging for someone who has never had their own children as it is for single mothers. In single parenting, her child will be the main recipient of her love. Can you deal with second place in her life?

As you're learning how to date single moms, be prepared for some unusual questions which may be a little personal. These questions are perfectly normal, especially if the single mother you're with is planning on introducing you to her children. They need to know as much as possible about you and your life. On the other hand, there are some instances where single mothers are nothing more than desperate women looking for a man to be the father to their children, to help raise them and care for them, to pay the bills, and to give her freedom from the kids for awhile.

Talking about her ex-husband or father of her children shouldn't be seen as inappropriate as long as you only discuss the things you really need to know. You have a right to know if the ex-partner is still an active presence in her life, either as a custodial parent or friend or a deranged stalker, a jealous ex-husband or a deadbeat father who isn't living up to his responsibilities.

When dealing with her children, expect some resistance and even some resentment no matter how sincere and likeable you are. Children of single mothers may have a tremendous amount of anxiety about meeting their mother's new boyfriend and could hate you and see you are a threat to their father, whether you intend to be or not. Don't expect too much too soon from her children. Exercise patience and compassion from the beginning and give her some time to sit with her older children and tell them all how good you are to her.

There could be a significant reward to dating a single mother. She could end up as the most devoted and loving woman you ever meet. Dating a single mother may be a slow and steady process but well worth it in the end

5 Places Women Want To Be Touched

The largest amount of nerve endings may be packed into the vagina, breasts and butt, but women have pleasure sensors all over their bodies. Start making your woman feel special and get her in the mood by touching these often-neglected body parts during foreplay and sex, or just giving her some pleasure after a hard day.

1. Feet
There are few better ways to help her relax than to give her feet a good rub, especially if her job requires her to be on them all day. Do it right and grab some massage oil or lotion. Pay some attention to her toes, ankles and the sides of her feet too.

2. Hair
Running your hands gently through her hair is a surefire way to send tingles down her spine. Let your fingers massage circles from her temples to the nape of her neck and she’ll be putty in your hands.

3. Small of her back
When you’re alone, kissing or licking down her spine to end up with a kiss on the small of her back will get her heart racing.

4. Earlobes
Touching, kissing and even lightly biting the earlobes of your woman will up the bliss factor for her. These delicate, soft lobes are very sensitive and most women thoroughly enjoy the sensation of having a man’s lips on them. You can nibble around the outside of the rest of her ear as well, but avoid jamming your tongue inside her ear.

5. Inner thighs
Touching her inner thighs without venturing into the vaginal area will make for an excellent tease that is sure to get her in the mood. Use your hands and mouth to caress and kiss the insides of her thighs, getting excruciatingly close to her ultimate pleasure spot, but pull back before going all the way.

5 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

A good sex life takes time and effort to maintain. Although every relationship goes through its sexual ups and downs along with work, bills and other daily stressors, it's easy to see how sex can slip off your relationship radar. Whatever your situation, you must remember that physical intimacy is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship because it unites partners physically, emotionally and spiritually. So if you feel like you and your partner may be in a sexual rut, here are some key components needed to spark that awesome sex life you have always desired.

1. Create Passion
Men and women alike need to feel the passion and raw emotion that comes with incredible sexual experiences. But to keep the passion, you must be willing to put out the effort. Sex isn't a race, so take time to explore your partner and make sure that you are connecting on a more intimate level. Use anticipation as an aphrodisiac. Tell her what you want to do with each section of her exposed skin. Instead of tearing her clothes off, take your time, explore her body and use different types of foreplay. Take the time to explore and play with her body to find out what kind of touch sends her down the road into incredible sex.

2. Be Spontaneous
There is no limit to the number of ways to have sex, so use your imagination and come up with as many new positions as you desire. Don't be afraid to mix things up in bed. Furthermore, there is no rule that says that you have to have sex at 8:00pm every Wednesday--so, change up your normal routine. There is nothing that can turn a woman on more than taking sex out of the bedroom and into other areas, and simply changing locations can dramatically improve your love life.The same old place leads to the same old patterns, so explore some new erogenous areas like the kitchen, living room, etc... Also, don't be afraid of new positions or trying out a new toy. To spice things up further, stepping out of the role of being "yourself" and role playing can be a fun way to give each other permission to behave differently. This may be awkward at first, but give it an honest try. You might just like it.

3. Be Open About Your Needs

After being in a relationship for a while you may think you know how to please your partner in every way, but this is rarely true. If you or your partner's needs aren't being met between the sheets, it's time to have a conversation about it. There is always something you haven't tried, and there is bound to be something one of you always does that could be done differently. Being open and honest with each other about your fantasies and desires can bring the passion to a whole new level. If you don't communicate, you'll never know or be able to get her "there."

4. Be Responsible
Practicing safe and responsible sex is also a key to happy sex life. Letting your partner know that you are prepared for the occasion, wherever it should arise, can also create the element of excitement and evoke thoughts of desire. This also shows that you love and respect your partner enough to make sure she stays healthy.

5 Reasons To Get Married

Getting married is often the biggest event of a person’s life. It means being committed to one person for the rest of your life, and while there are plenty of good reasons not to get married, there are many good reasons FOR marriage. If you're not sure that you are ready to take that big step, these five solid reasons to get married will help you decide.

1. Marriage means more sexual fulfillment
While single guys are excited by having one-night stands and the thrill of constantly chasing different women, married men are home having sex with their wives. Married men have more sex than single men, have a better feel for their partner's bodies, have an absence of guilt, are more aware of their partner's fantasies and report a higher rate of sexual satisfaction than single counterparts who find themselves bouncing from girl to girl.

2. Marriage gives you a legal platform to start a family
While it's pretty obvious you don't need to be married to have kids, but marriage is still the the most stable and secure environment in which to start a family and keeping your bloodline going.

3. Marriage can provide more financial benefits
There are numerous financial benefits associated with marriage to include tax brеаkѕ, health insurance plans аnԁ οthеr financial benefits. In a marriage where both partners are working, it can be easier to afford the things you could never afford on your own; it means a better home, a better car, a better vacation, etc...Like it or not, society is designed to make life easier for married couples.

4. Marriage can improve your health
Research shows that men who are married engage in fewer risky behaviors, like binge drinking or dangerous hobbies and careers. Married men also eat healthier, visit the doctor more often and may have better immune systems as well, either from support or from nagging to monitor things like blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, etc….

5. Marriage gives you a higher rate of happiness
A good marriage offers a man the kind of stability and support that allows him to succeed in all other aspects of life. Many studies have shown that men are higher achieving when they are married, and having a good wife can bring out the best in you, challenge you to be the best version of yourself and help you learn the true meaning of self-sacrifice and compromise.

Think about it: How much more could you accomplish if all the drama and emotional baggage from crazy women and bad breakups was replaced by the presence of a loving and caring woman?

10 Female Turn-Ons

Top 10: Female Turn Ons

Knowing what turns a woman on is one of the most important keys to a establishing and maintaining a good relationship. Unfortunately, most men do not know the true art of turning a woman on and fail when it comes to doing it the right way. The following is a list of the most wanted male traits that can turn a woman on and get her going.

1. Being able to make her feel like a woman
The majority of women are searching for an appealing man who recognizes how to treat his lady the right way. A man who respects a woman and appreciates her for who she is has the power to make her weak in the knees. Make her feel special, and she’ll go to the ends of the earth for you.

2. Being able to take charge

Women want men who know what they want and who will stand up for themselves, make their own decisions and take charge of any situation. Being a man and giving a woman a feeling of protection is endearing as well as arousing.

3. Being able to say "I'm sorry"
Being able to say "I'm sorry" when you are clearly at fault is a definite turn on for women. A simple apology when deserved expresses a deep kind of respect for her and shows that you are emotionally fair and considerate.

4. Knowing how to touch her
This is a HUGE part of turning a girl on. Most guys fail to realize the places women want to be touched. A majority of women prefer soft, tender touches and strokes all over their body until they get fully aroused. So learn some good massage techniques and gently try a few on her head, neck and shoulders to increase her sexual responsiveness.

5. Being able to hold your own
Women (especially successful ones) look for men who won't take them for granted, so financial stability is a huge turn-on for them. Women feel comfortable with a man who is ambitious and passionate about life and can support himself. Being self-sufficient reassures a woman that she will not have to handle everything in a relationship.

6. Being well groomed

A man who is well groomed holds an irresistible attraction to women. Women love a guy that can throw together a nice outfit with coordinating shoes, and who takes the time to style his hair and shave his face.

7. Being a gentleman
Chivalry isn't dead, and it s still very much appreciated by women. Gestures, like opening doors, letting her go in ahead of you, standing slightly when she leaves the table and helping her with her jacket, are all important to women.

8. Having a great body
Women are not nearly as fixated on this one as men are, but they are still turned on by a man with a great body. A nice set of pecs along with well-defined biceps and broad shoulders are part of the whole image women have conjured up in their fantasy-filled daydreams. A good athletic figure is not only a sign of strength and masculinity; it also reveals that you're keeping yourself up.

9. Being intelligent with a sense of humor
Women love to be with men who are smart and can make them smile and laugh. Laughter is really important in a woman's life and when you can hold an intelligent conversation and make her laugh, you give the impression that you are a sociable, attractive and humorous man. Most women want to be stimulated by someone who can tell a good joke and can challenge them intellectually.

10. Being a great kisser
Passionate kisses are love magnets that linger in a woman’s mind. Keep your kisses exciting by being spontaneous and by varying their intensity and duration. For most women, this deepens the connection in a relationship and supercharges their sex drive.

MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP). The J RagTv NetWork

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to be Irresistable To Women

It's no secret that certain guys have been proven over and over to be completely irresistible to women -- and it's not simply because of their good looks or six-pack abs or the type of car they drive. The truth is that women tend to be attracted to certain personality traits and so, naturally, they flock to the men who possess them. Here are some tips that you need to know to become irresistible to women.

1. Smell great
The scent of a man is really important to women, and they are very repelled by men who smell not so good. Wear cologne that smells really good--just make sure that you do not use too much. A little bit is good but over-applying it will make a girl want to run away holding her nose.

2. Be unpredictable
Women are drawn to men they can’t control or predict. In fact, they absolutely obsess over guys who tease and mess with them in ways they didn't expect or haven't seen before. Avoid predictable routines and above all, never act like every other guy.

3. Be funny
Humor is the fastest, most powerful way to become irresistible to women--even the ones you might consider "out of your league." Make a woman laugh with a clever sense of humor, and I don't care how hot or unattainable she seems, you'll trigger positive feelings in her that she just can't ignore.

4. Be romantic
A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. Using romantic gestures to show her that you're thinking about her will allow her to feel free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.

5. Be confident
Nobody wants a guy who acts unsure of himself. A confident man is totally secure and sure of himself and doesn't seek approval from women--and this makes them want him even more. Women find adventurous, exciting, and spontaneous men irresistible. Having male confidence is great--just don't become so full of yourself that you come across as cocky or arrogant.

6. Be attentive to her
A very powerful way to become irresistible to women is to show genuine interest in her likes, hobbies or interest. Doing this will allow you to create a connection with her.

7. Maintain eye contact
The importance of eye contact cannot be underestimated as this is one of the most effective ways to get a connection with a woman. Men can become irresistible to women just on the way he looks at her. Establishing eye contact with her gives a signal that you're interested in her.

8. Unleash your smile
Women are irresistibly drawn to smiling guys because smiling says that you’re a positive, optimistic person who has fun and enjoys life. Most importantly, smiling makes you more physically attractive to women and reveals your positive personality.

What Makes A Woman Desire You

So you've finally found a woman who really gets your juices flowing and gets you hot at the mere site of her, but how do you increase her desire for you and keep her out of the arms of other men who may have better relationship skills than you do?

As you're trying to keep the attraction flowing in your relationship, remember to maintain a confident attitude. Women love confidence in a man and displaying a confident self-image will boost her attraction to you.

Your attitude should be that you're the catch, and you're doing her a favor by allowing her into your life. You shouldn't cheat on her, but you should keep contact with other single, sexy women and make lots of female friends. If she knows that you have options and that she might lose you at any time, her desire will be increased and she will work harder to make sure you don't get away.

When you first start dating a woman, you try very hard to impress her; however, after a while, many men began feeling too comfortable and begin slacking. Women are obsessed with clothing and their own appearance and will quickly switch off their sex drive if you start looking sloppy, so keep yourself up, don't get complacent about your hygiene and appearance.

Women love to be showered with attention and need to feel wanted. So if you'd like her to stay around for a while, make sure she knows that she still turns you on by charming and complimenting her. Make her feel special and you'll keep her desire burning hot for you.

Keep in mind that women love challenges and, so make her work a little to be part of your life. Being a challenge to women is a good thing. Don't allow her to take you for granted, so learn to make yourself less available and more unpredictable. Women always want what they can't have, so it's important to keep balance in your relationship by continuing to do masculine things that you like, for example sports and hanging out with your buddies.

Last but not least, don't allow yourself to become a clingy, approval-seeking doormat who calls her numerous times a day and constantly showers her with gifts. If you smother her and acting insecure, she could start feeling trapped and leave anyway. Remember, insecurity is not attractive to women at all.

Using these tips could keep your woman from ever wanting to go anywhere else.

8 Ways To Improve Your Relationship

All relationships need a little pick-me-up sometimes--even the best of them. If you feel like your relationship isn’t quite what it used to be, here are some things you can do to improve it and keep your fire burning.

1. Improve your communication
There is nothing more important in a relationship than communication. The more you communicate with your woman, the less likely the two of you will get into arguments because you both will be able to talk about your problems instead of holding them in. Remember, if you can’t communicate, you can’t even begin to support one another in a relationship.

2. Take responsibility for your own happiness

This means taking responsibility for your own feelings and needs instead of trying to get your partner to make you feel happy and secure. Learn to treat yourself with kindness, compassion and acceptance instead of self-judgment. Don't lose yourself just because you are in a relationship.

3. Show her gratitude instead of complaining
Practice being grateful for what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Constant complaining creates more stress in a relationship, while gratitude creates emotional, spiritual and physical health.

4. Laugh together

Mutual laughter is an essential component of a strong and healthy relationship. Romance is much better if you can see humor in the little things and can have a laugh together. So, make a conscious effort to incorporate more humor and play into your daily interactions with your woman and be willing to make a fool of yourself sometimes just to put a smile on her face.

5. Set common goals together
Look for anything that’s common between the two of you and talk about ways to work toward that aspiration together. Sit down with your partner and set new goals., i.e health, comfort, happiness and so on. Share what you want your life to be about, where you want to end up and what these things mean to you.

6. Give her some space
When you love someone, you want to spend as much time with them as possible; however, it’s equally important to have some space and to spend some time apart every once in a while. Being apart not only allows you some freedom, but it will also allow the two of you to miss each other and is an ideal way to keep your relationship interesting.

7. Be spontaneous
You can ensure that romance never goes out of your relationship by doing things like sending her flowers for no reason, writing her a love note, or preparing her favorite meal for her when she least expects it. Being spontaneous also means trying new things out of the ordinary together to keep the relationship interesting.

8. Improve your sex life
If you really want to give your relationship staying power, give a little extra effort in the bedroom. There is no limit to the number of ways to have sex, so use your imagination and come up with as many new positions as you desire. There is always something that you haven’t tried, so don't be afraid to mix things up in bed and awaken her sexuality.

Get Women To Fall For You

Getting women to fall for you is not as hard as it may seem. Making any woman feel a deep attraction to you doesn't require expensive gifts, extravagant gestures or rock hard abs. In fact, all it requires is a little charm and a few good manners. Here are some of the key qualities you can acquire to become the man women will be fighting for.

1. Present yourself as the ideal man

Women want the ideal man who is confident, self-sufficient and respectable. When you display these traits, along with maintaining strong eye contact, good posture and slow body gestures and movements, most women will take notice of you. One of the worst mistakes a man can make is being insecure, desperate and intimidated-constantly seeking a woman's approval.

Women do not want men who have to constantly seek approval because it portrays them as being weak and in the low status department. Get to know her properly and be a good man who has good values, is supportive and positive. If you come on strong early on you may appear to be either needy or pressuring her for sex. Let her control the pace and you will make her feel respected, appreciated and more able to trust you. The more she trusts you, the more into you she will be.

2. Learn to dress smarter

The first impression matters a lot and how you dress is a big part of the impression you create. Just like women use make-up to appear prettier than they really are, men can improve their appearance through their style of dress. Keeping yourself up and adapting a style that suits you sends the message that you know how to dress, you're unique, interesting, mature and successful. Most women love clean, well-groomed and stylishly dressed men because it shows that you are organized and can take care of yourself.

3. Make friends with women

Keeping friendships with women can lead to you being introduced to lots of available women. They’ll literally bring them to you. If you’re going out to a club or a bar, take a female friend with you. Women will more often talk to men who are with other women. It gives them the feeling that you actually like women, and that’s attractive. Women love a guy who listens attentively when they talk. It makes a her feel she is the center of your world and could lead her to reveal her most intimate secrets to you. Let her express her herself while showing keen interest in what she's saying.

4. Give them compliments

Women love compliments. Learn to flirt and just regularly tell her how good she looks in appropriate situations. Most women love a guy who tells them they are beautiful at all times. If you can fulfill this craving for compliments, she will be at your beck and call. You should never get tired of doing it.

5. Let them chase you

Quickly pursuing an attractive woman can often cause her to run away. Instead, stop chasing women and make them pursue you. Then when she starts to pursue you, run away. The whole strategy is to give her the thrill of a chase when in reality you are the one who's arranging to be caught. It’ll make her want you that much more.
Mastering these qualities will set you on your way to becoming the man women want to be with.

Understanding What Women Say

The Online Dating and Relationship Guide for Men

Understanding What Women Say

Men and women are very distinct creatures. While men have a tendency to be straightforward, women are often not so simple. Unlike men, women often uses hints and insinuations to steer you in their direction, and when trying to understand what they really mean, you are sometimes better off reading between the lines. The following cheat sheet will help you learn how to listen to your woman and bridge the gap between what she says and what she means.

1. "Fine."

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right.

2. "Just give me five minutes."

If she is getting dressed, this means 30 minutes.

3. "Where is our relationship going?"

What she means is that she would like for you to suggest the idea of the two of you to graduating to a more serious and exclusive relationship.

4. "Nothing."

This word ALWAYS means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "Nothing" usually end with "Fine."

5. "Go ahead."

This is not permission--it's a dare. Whatever it is, do it at your own risk!

6. "Loud sigh."

This is a non-verbal statement that means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time arguing with you about nothing.

7. "That’s okay."

This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. It means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

8. "A guy was flirting with me."

She wants you to know that other men are interested in her and that you should appreciate what you have.

9. "You know me so well."

It means that she's starting to feel the L-word, but she doesn't want to be the first one to say it.

10. "Don’t Worry About It, I Got It."

Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a she has asked you to do several times, but is now doing it herself since you've neglected it. This will later result in you asking “What's wrong?”

The Reasons Why You're Still Single

The Online Dating and Relationship Guide for Men

5 Reasons Why You're Single

There is a huge difference between the guys who get girls on a consistent basis and the one's who just can't seem to get attention from the opposite sex no matter how hard they try. If your love life is on the skids, it’s safe to assume that you are probably guilty of one of these 5 blunders.

1. You’re too needy

If you want to run a woman off quickly, one of the best ways to do it is to be overly needy, i.e., excessively calling, emailing or sending text messages early in a relationship, always being available and doing everything she wants. Furthermore, women are not attracted to the type of man who needs too much support, validation, and constant reinforcement.

2. You don’t know how to build attraction

Many men fail in this area because they don’t know how to talk to women in a way that makes them more interested as time goes on. You need to learn the trigger points in women, i.e., how they think, react, and speak. You also have to know how to project your best qualities and use these to build attraction.

3. You're looking in the wrong places

Trying to meet women in bars and clubs is a waste of time! Many women do not like meeting men at bars and have a natural resistance to men who approach them in these settings. Some of the best places to meet single women are shopping centers, coffee shops, concerts and gyms. Women KNOW that guys who are in bars and clubs are looking for one-night stands, but they don't expect to be hit on in the above scenarios (element of surprise).

4. You don’t have confidence

Women are attracted to men with self-confidence, period. Nobody wants a guy who acts unsure of himself. A sexually confident man who is secure about his sexuality and is comfortable being who he is will always attract more women.

5. You’re not persistent

Second to not even trying, giving up too early is the most common mistake guys make. You may need to get rejected a few dozen times before you come across a girl that likes you. Remember, meeting women is about numbers, so continue to go out and meet as many women as possible to improve your chances.

Top 10 Mistakes Women Make In Bed

The Online Dating and Relationship Guide for Men

Top 10: Mistakes Women Make in Bed

Most women like to think of themselves as great in bed. That’s probably because the guy they’re with hasn’t complained about their performance. So what do guys find so awful they’d consider a woman a bad lay? Start with these 10 mistakes women make in bed.

1. She doesn't communicate
One of the main keys to having better intimacy is communication; however, many women don't focus on their own sexuality and assume that a man will come along to teach them everything they should know. Some women don’t show their emotions and fall victim to the idea that their partner will automatically know or sense what’s going on with her. The bottom line is that you will not know what she likes best if she never tells you.

2. She shows no enthusiasm
A woman's sexual enthusiasm also communicates her interest in you. She doesn't have to bounce off the walls, but she should at least be interested in sex and show a willingness to go out of her comfort zone and try new things sometimes.

3. She lets you do whatever
Most of us don’t like to have sex with a corpse. When a woman just just lies there, makes no noise and lets you do whatever you want in bed, it's a huge turnoff because you feel like you're more into it than she is.

4. She has poor hygiene
Most women care immensely about how they present themselves; however, there are some who do not and it carries over to the bedroom. Women with poor hygiene, i.e., not shaving anywhere, displaying unkempt hair, having bad breath and foul odor from their intimate areas are not desirable and are often seen as disgusting and very inconsiderate.

5. She pretends to be sick
Women are good at faking sickness or headache just to avoid having sex with their man. These same women fail to realize that too many excuses will send a man looking elsewhere for satisfaction.

6. She's not willing to learn or experiment
These women aren’t open to experimentation and aren’t creative enough in the bedroom. They don’t appear to be very adventurous and only want to have sex in the missionary position.

7. She 's not confident
Women need to understand that men rarely look at their flaws (stretch marks, a little jiggly belly) during sex. A woman who is overly concerned about her appearance and hides her body during sex, or refuses to enjoy certain sexual positions because she fears what a guy might think of her body can often dampen the mood.

8. She talks too much
Everyone knows that women like to talk a lot, but it’s not the best activity to do in bed. Conversation has its place, but no one, especially men, really wants to talk about the kids, grocery shopping, or what you did that day during intercourse. Talking during sex should be reserved only for dirty talk and whispering sweet nothings.

9. She stops doing what you like
She begins doing something you're into, your perfectly aroused and enjoying yourself and what does she do? She stops what she's doing and rushes off to the bathroom. Lots of women don't understand how this can totally destroy the mood.

10. She never initiates lovemaking

It's an old stereotype: men lead, women follow. Although most women like men to be dominant and take the lead sexually, it doesn’t have to be the guy who is dominant all the time. It's just as nice for guys to see their assertive side.

The J RagTv NetWork. MindScApe Entertainment(R).

Choosing The Right Cologne

Choosing the Right Cologne

Just as a clean shave, a pressed suit and a great haircut help make the man, choosing the right cologne fragrance is as equally important. Finding the right scent to complement your lifestyle can enhance your presence in a room or group and also cause women to think of you as that great-smelling guy they have to have. So how do you begin looking for the right cologne fragrance that will attract the ladies and best suit your lifestyle?

Choosing the right scent is not always about what smells good in a magazine or using the same scents your dad use to wear. What you think smells good might be the wrong scent for you to use because of the way a particular fragrance changes from guy to guy, as a cologne's scent is the product of chemical reactions between the skin and the cologne's ingredients. Therefore, you have to find a good cologne that not only smells right on you, but also makes you smell unique and suits your lifestyle.

The first step in knowing how to find your signature scent is to understand what type of skin you have --whether it’s sensitive, oily or dry. Guys with dry skin should opt for stronger fragrances that are formulated to last longer in drier, colder times, thereby reducing the need for frequent reapplication which will further dry out and damage the skin. When it comes to buying cologne for sensitive skin, follow the same rules for dry skin, but also look for colognes that list all-natural ingredients free from synthetic fragrances. Oily skin responds best to cologne that is developed for summertime wear (lighter scents) to help balance out the stronger natural odors that your skin is secreting.

Almost every cologne designed for men is based on either strong notes of musk, wood, citrus or floral-based water. So when you look for a new fragrance, choose a base scent you feel comfortable wearing that also accentuates your own unique style and personality. Also, consider your lifestyle and the setting in which you plan to wear it. For example, if you’re in close contact with colleagues at the office on a regular basis, you’ll want to avoid anything that others could find overpowering or offensive. On the other hand, a scent that’s fit for the office is not appropriate for a night out at the clubs, which calls for a stronger scent.

Once you’ve played around in the fragrance department, ask a few women you know about the scents you’ve tried. If you're still getting less than desired results from your own selections, take your woman or a close female friend you trust to go with you and let her help you find the right scent for you with brutal honesty. After all, you’re not wearing a fragrance to please yourself, but to enhance your presence and to be appealing to the women who ultimately have the final say in what smells good on you.

Once you've found your signature scents, remember to pay close attention to how much you apply. Contrary to popular belief, putting on more of any scent is not the answer and no one, especially women, should ever smell you before they see you enter a room or round a corner. Simply apply a little to your neck, torso and the wrists to make the fragrance mix with your body's scent and radiate outward more naturally as the hours pass.

~~ The J RagTv NetWork.

10 Mistakes Men Make In Bed

Top 10: Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Even the most experienced of men may make a mistake or two in the bedroom from time to time and some end up fumbling more times than their favorite football team. It's up to you to keep things interesting and to avoid making sexual errors that irritate women, so if you steer clear of the following 10 behaviors, you will be headed toward being the kind of lover that attracts women like magnets and keeps them coming back for more.

1. Not returning sexual favors
Women often complain about men who gladly accept oral pleasuring, but never return the favor. Being a selfish lover can be an intimacy killer because one partner cannot be expected to continually please the other while not being pleasured themselves. Although you may get incredible sexual gratification from your lover's abilities, just remember that she needs some attention too.

2. Insufficient foreplay
At one time or another, we've all experienced a moment so passionate that wasting time on foreplay was unthinkable; however, getting caught up in the heat of the moment is quite different from pouncing on her out of nowhere, and cutting straight to the chase on a regular basis. The thing that makes sex incredible for a woman is anticipation and being sexually teased, and insufficient foreplay can undermine the entire act of sex. Take your time and master the art of foreplay in order to drive your woman wild.

3. Being silent and emotionless
Women want and NEED strong emotional experiences in bed. Men generally believe that remaining silent during the sex is a better option than speaking out what they desire, but if you are not talking during lovemaking and creating a strong emotional experience for her, she can't be totally fulfilled. Something as simple as a little moan, or even saying something like, "That feels so good," will encourage her.

4. Assuming she's satisfied
Concentrating solely on your own sexual gratification is likely to leave your lover feeling underwhelmed or unsatisfied once you finish. Just because you got off, that doesn't mean that she's satisfied. Remember, a good lover makes the effort to make sure his partner is satisfied before he is.

5. Lack of grooming
When you're in the throes of passion, having your beard stubble brushing back and forth across her body isn't so sexy. If there's one thing that turns women off, it's a lover whose personal hygiene isn't up to par. Keeping yourself clean and properly groomed- especially in the more intimate corners of your anatomy - is not just a matter of courtesy, it's a ticket back to the bedroom.

6. Not lasting long enough
This mistake is well known and very simple, but no list of mistakes in the bedroom would be complete without it. You need to have good penile control to ensure that you can ejaculate at an appropriate time. If you can't control yourself and end up letting go too soon, spend a lot more time on foreplay. Although it is a debatable topic, most women will be happy if you can last at least 20 minutes.

7. Ignoring her erogenous zones
Most women have more erogenous areas than simply her breasts, nipples, and genitals. Take the time to learn your lover's other “hot” zones, particularly her neck, shoulders, back, buttocks and feet. Focus on her entire body. It will turn her on more and, in turn, increase the chances of her pleasuring you back.

8. Forcing sexual fantasies
Men often commit the mistake of not respecting a woman’s comfort zone, and simply expect women to do just about everything in bed to please them. Most women have an adventurous side and are willing to try new things in bed once they trust their lover enough. But, if you ever want her to reach that point with you, the last thing you should do is impose your sexual desires and fantasies upon her too soon into the relationship. Remember--real sex is not like sex in adult films, so always try to introduce new positions and reveal fantasies slowly but surely.

9. Thinking what works for one woman works for them all
Men often make assumptions about what a woman's wants based upon what they've done with other women; however, there is a great deal of variation between what different women like in the bedroom as well as their own differing levels of experience and confidence. If you have trouble reading your girlfriend’s responses, there is no harm in asking her directly what she likes. Even if you feel that you do know what will keep her satisfied in bed, constantly giving her a variety of sexual experiences is the fastest way to a varied and fulfilling sex-life.

10. Not kissing her enough
Believe it or not, many men don't kiss the woman they're with when they're having sex -- and that's one of the biggest mistakes to avoid in bed. Women love being kissed because it makes them feel soft, sexy, beautiful and adds the romance that they crave.

J RagTv. MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved.

Friday, December 23, 2011

"Searching For Real Love"

Find someone who isn`t afraid to admit that they miss you; someone who knows that you`re not perfect, yet treats you as if you are...... No matter your flaws, doesn't let overlook the positive and the good....One who gives you their heart completely! Someone who says I Love You and means it. Find someone who Looks Forward to waking up with you in the morning and seeing you every night before you fall asleep. SomeOne that when time passes and we start to change and as we get older, they are still right there by your side. When you get wrinkles and your gray hair, yet still falls in Love with you all over again!! Every day and realizes that they love you more.......And More..... with each day that passes, they can still fall in love with you over again..... Everyone has good and bad moments.... But the Moments when we are down, should never put a Cloud over the Days that Make us Shine!! Nothing can out way the good that the people we love bring to our lives......

~~ J Rag, MindScApe Entertainment(R)


"My Valentine" - The Valentine's Special Event

"One On One" on J RagTv

J RagTv: "Be Easy[Back Up]"

J RagTv presents: "On Da' Stoop"

J RagTv presents: "Oh So Official"

J Rag featuring Mike Taylor aka Tu Phace & Nino Breeze - "Oh So Official"
[Produced by Mike Taylor aka Tu Phace & Lf Daze]

J RagTv presents: "Where U At?"

J RagTv presents: "Around You"

J RagTv "Woofas"

The Official J Rag Music Page

Visit "The Official J Rag Music Page" and Check out The J Rag Music Catalog and The J Rag Video Collection, Plus you can stop by 'The J Rag Store', Pics, Bios, Discography's, Upcoming Shows, Tour Dates, Events, plus The Charity Events for "The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation" and So Much More....... All Available at The J Rag Music Page @ http://www.reverbnation.com/jrag

Band website template">

The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

"The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation"

Please support J Rag & Friends along with The JDF, and help to raise awareness, and knowledge through the education about both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Disease and how it effects America and our Youth!!

Such a Powerful Cause!! Please visit The Official JDF WebSite or connect through www.causes.com and Make Donations!! Any and everything can and will make a difference. Help us along our way to Help to find and/or Create A Cure!!

Check J Rag's Event listings and Tour Schedule for all Charity Events and shows for "The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation"

To Visit "The Official J Rag Music Page" @ http://www.reverbnation.com/jrag

J Rag on FaceBook @ http://www.facebook.com/jragtv

The J Rag Music Page @ http://www.myspace.com/jragtv

J RagTv @ http://www.youtube.com/user/jrag3218

J Rag via Twitter @jragmusic @ http://www.twitter.com/jragmusic

"The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation" Charity Event [Hosted by J Rag]

January 14th, 2012, Join J Rag & Friends for "A Night Out" to Party for A Cause!! On J Rag's Birthday, He hosts "The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation" Charity Event @ The Tavern On Broad, in Center City, Philadelphia!!

There will be a Cover at the Door[Wich is Optional], and if the Guest pays the $15 Door Fee, wich is actually a Donation that will be going directly to the JDF, and toards making a difference and International Research, to hopefully find or create A Cure for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. We are trying to raise awareness and give the knowledge through education on the disease!! This is such a Powerful Cause!! Please come out and support J Rag & Friends along with Special Celebrity Guests and Appearances!!

*** 9pm-2am!! Happy Hour is from 9pm-11pm!!

** If you give the Donation upon entry at the door, you will have VIP Access All Night and Party with J Rag & Friends in the VIP and also will be entitled to the Special VIP Happy Hour from 9pm-11pm!! Also the Guests that donate and have the wristband, will also be Drinking the entire Night "Half-Price"

@ The tavern On Broad

200 South Broad Street [Broad & Walnut], Philadelphia, Pa 19102

** For more details and information, please visit http://www.reverbnation.com/jrag