MindScApe Entertainment

MindScApe Entertainment

"Official WebSite"

Joe "J Rag" Rago. HipHop & R&B Recording Artist, Writer, Producer, Arranger, Actor, Model, & Entertainer. J Rag is also Founder, CEO, & President as well as The Executive Producer of MindScApe Entertainment(R). MindScApe Entertainment is a full entity Entertainment Company in Philadelphia, Pa. It is a Record Label complete with Artists & Talent, Writers, Producers, Engineers, and Recording Studio's and Facilities including J Rag's After Dark Studio's & Productions; Also A&R Team, PR, Artist Development, Management, Agents, Brokers, Party & Event Planning & Promotions, Promoters, Street Teams, Marketing, & Much More.....


MindScApe Entertainment(R).

"In The Mirror"

"Official J Rag Blog"

MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

"In This Life"

Welcome to The Official WebSite for MindScApe Entertainment and The J Rag Blog "In The Mirror".

A look at Music, Entertainment, Trends, Fashion, Entertainment News, Pop Culture, & Luxury LifeStyle.

MindScApe Entertainment

MindScApe Entertainment
(c) J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

MindScApe Entertainment(R).

MindScApe Entertainment(R).
After Dark Studio's & Productions

MindScApe Entertainment(R).

MindScApe Entertainment(R).
Jazz [of The Legendary R&B Group 'DRU HILL'] with J Rag

J RagTv

J RagTv
StarFire Cigs

"Woofas" (Official Music Video)

J Rag & Jazz in The Studio

J Rag & Jazz in The Studio
J Rag & Jazz of DrU Hill in Studio with 99.3 The Kiss Radio Host DJ Jason E.

Payments & Services

MindScApe Entertainment(R).

J Rag @ Daddy's House

"Love Money InK" [Music Video]

Jon B. Video Drop

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Empire" Cast (Meet & Greet)

The "Empire" Cast Meet & Greet in Center City Philadelphia @ The Broad Street F.Y.E. and CD Signing..... with Yazz The Greatest & Jussie Smollet....

Big Sean - "Blessings" (Official Music Video) ft. Drake & Kanye West

Usher - "All Falls Down" ft. Chris Brown (New Music)

"A Celebrity Voice"

If you were to become a famous Celebrity where millions and millions of people would have access to you and wait to listen to you and what you had to say next... What would you say? The Power of The Voice Of A Celebrity!!

You can make this the best year ever. You can make this the best time ever. You deserve a life that’s filled with joy and meaning and every good thing you can imagine. Because you’re absolutely capable of doing whatever you are truly committed to doing.

In fact, you’ve been doing it all your life. Every day, you achieve whatever you’re most fully committed to achieving -- whether that’s just getting through the day without having to put out any effort (a lot of people achieve that), or whether it’s building a multi-million-dollar business (a lot of people achieve THAT), or whether it’s anything in between -- whatever you’re truly committed to doing is precisely what you ARE doing with your time and your resources. Your commitment is evidenced by your actions and your results.

So look around at your life, your situation, and your circumstances and ask yourself -- what exactly have you been committed to achieving? What results have you produced? Are you happy with those results? Would you like more of the same? Would you like to make some changes? Or would you prefer a whole different set of results?

If there were no limitations in your life, if you could have anything you wanted, what exactly would that be? If you had the freedom to do anything, whether it sounds reasonable or practical or not, what precisely would that be? If you suddenly became a world-famous celebrity, and if you knew that millions and millions of people would listen to what you had to say, what would you say? What would you want to express about yourself, about your values, about your view of life?

There’s a beautiful purpose inside of you, a magnificent, unique purpose that has always been with you, and always will be. Sometimes you can feel that purpose intensely, usually when life is either going very, very good or very, very badly for you. Much of the time, however, on the at least conscious level, you forget about that purpose. But it’s always there. Everything you feel is connected to that purpose. Every desire you have is an attempt to express that purpose....

People dream to become rich, famous, powerful, and to have Celebrity. What comes with that is a Powerful voice whether they realize it or not. People and Children are heavily influenced by the people that they see in the public eye. Even though the Celebrities are only human and regular people as well, the things they do, say, and their actions are magnified. Again, if you were to become a Celebrity, how would you handle it? What would be your Voice?

For more with J Rag - Check out J Rag on Google+ by going to: http://www.google.com/+jRagMusic

"Success Is What You Make It"

Success is what you make it.... Create your own success....

You don’t have to be famous to be important. You don’t have to be a celebrity to be successful.

You don’t have to live in opulent luxury to be rich. You don’t have to be irresponsible to be free.

You don’t have to be outrageous to be creative. You don’t have to be abusive to be impressive.

You can be quietly humble and still be amazingly effective. You can be kind and considerate and still have great influence.

Just because people don’t fall at your feet and worship you, doesn’t mean you are a failure. Quiet success is just as sweet as loud, flamboyant success, and usually much more real.

Success is what you choose for it to be, not what everyone else says it must be. Live your life in each moment in a way that truly fulfills you and brings value to your world, for that is the greatest success...

Check out more from J Rag at The MindScApe Entertainment [Official WebSite] and Blog @ http://jragtv.blogspot.com

"Hooked On Success"

Are You Hooked On Success?

Celebrate your achievements, no matter what their size. Feel how great it feels to take focused, disciplined action and to make something happen.

Use each small success as motivation to create more success. Be so truly thankful for what you’ve done that you are compelled to do much more.

It feels so good to know you’ve made a difference. Get yourself addicted to that feeling.

Get yourself hooked on positive, meaningful success by treasuring and valuing and celebrating every accomplishment. The more thankful you are for what you’ve done, the more motivated you’ll be to do it again.

Let yourself feel great about it, and enjoy that delightful feeling. You’ll be well on your way to making it happen again and again...

Check out J Rag on FaceBook and "Like" The Official Fan Page for J Rag by going to http://www.facebook.com/jragmusic

"Real Success"

A Real Success....

There are as many definitions of success as there are people who pursue it. Real success is what feels right to you, what you know in your heart that it is.

If you have to compromise your most deeply held values to achieve success, that isn’t success. If you have to make yourself miserable to achieve success, that isn’t success.

Real success comes from bringing to life the best of who you are. It has nothing to do with acquiring trinkets or exercising power over others.

Real success comes when you use each moment to express a purpose that is uniquely you. Success is a gift you work to give rather than a position you strive to attain.

You can never be happy by accumulating things you don’t truly cherish, no matter how many of them you may have. Happiness is yours when you simply let it be, with no conditions and no requirements.

Move on past the disappointment that comes from following a dream that is not yours. Be the best of who you are, and live the joy of real success.

Follow J Rag @jragmusic on Twitter and go to: @ http://www.twitter.com/jragmusic

"The Fear Of Success"

The fear of failure is also the fear of success. If you hold yourself back due to fear of failure then you will be cut off from the possibility of success.

Achievement requires effort, and effort often results in disappointment. Yet that is really not such a bad thing.

In fact, disappointment does not have to hurt you or even slow you down. Instead of making a big deal about it, you can choose to continue making your way forward.

With no risk, there is no reward. Take the risk, make the effort, get past the disappointments, and work your way to the rewards.

Don’t seek failure, but don’t fear it either. Act with confidence, knowing each failure that may come will bring you closer to success.

Instead of worrying that you might encounter disappointment, put your energy, awareness and effort into doing what you can do. Even when you get it wrong, keep going, and before long you’ll have it right.

Check out All New Music by J Rag @ http://www.reverbnation.com/jrag

"Plan To Succeed"

Success comes from taking one step after another, with purpose, focus, discipline and persistence. To make your efforts their most effective, put together a plan.

To get where you choose to go, you must know clearly where that is. The more precisely you can envision and anticipate the steps along the way, the more successful you’ll be.

There are many factors working against you when taking each step along the path to success. One powerful way to facilitate taking the next step is to know what precisely it is.

When you have a good, solid plan, the distractions are not as distracting. When you are following your plan, you can more quickly recover from the setbacks.

Your plan keeps you focused and connected with your purpose. Having a plan enables you to build powerful, positive momentum in your efforts.

Anything that’s worth doing is also worth the time and effort spent to establish a workable plan. Plan to succeed, and you will.

"Success In Failure"

There is Success in Failure....

Some of the most innovative and creative people are those who are willing to undertake projects that will probably fail. Creativity depends heavily on exploration, and when you’re exploring new territory, you often run into dead ends.

When you do have to turn back, when you do have the experience of failure, that’s not a sign to abandon the endeavor. In fact, it’s a signal that you’re making progress. After all, you’ve learned what doesn’t work, and that will help you to eventually discover what does work.

The most successful people look at failure as simply another step in the process of success. Failure is not a reason to stop -- quite the contrary. Indeed, each failure becomes a new and more advanced starting point.

An important part of the determination to succeed is the willingness to fail, and the confidence to see every failure as temporary. So explore new ideas. Attempt new and ambitious projects. Of course you’ll make mistakes. Sure, you’ll run into some dead ends. And each time you do, you’ll be moving forward toward ultimate, certain success.

Monday, March 30, 2015

J RAG - "WOOFAS" (Official Music Video)

MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

"Time I$ Money" [The Official Music Video] Starring J Rag & Nino Breeze

MindScApe Entertainment(R). All Rights Reserved. (c) J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

"Expand Your Success"

Expand On Your Success....

One of the biggest threats to success is success itself. When you get a little bit ahead, it’s all too easy to become complacent and to quickly lose what you have gained.

To avoid that complacency, respond to success with gratitude and humility. See your success not as a reward, but as an opportunity.

If you merely consume your good fortune, it leaves you with nothing but a bitter and wistful taste in your mouth. Instead, seize the opportunity to expand and build on your success.

The real joy of accomplishment is in the doing. To continue the joy, continue the doing.

Let the small victories become steps on the path to an even bigger victory. Let the big victories become steps on the path to an even more grand achievement.

Make each success into a starting point. And there is no limit to where you can go

"Be Success"

Only when you’re able to accept the possibility of getting it wrong will you have the persistence to get it right. Meaningful success rarely comes from a single transaction.

Success is a consistent pattern more than it is an isolated event. It is the way you live rather than some object or experience you acquire.

In fact, the way to truly have success is to be success. Success is yours when you persistently embody the discipline, the integrity, the positive attitude, the respect and all the other attributes of which it is made.

Visualize yourself today as a living, breathing, active and dynamic manifestation of success. In what way does such a vision compel you to think, to speak, to act and to live?

If you consider success to be something outside of you, that’s where it will always remain -- outside of you and apart from you. Instead, choose to not merely be successful, but to be success itself.

In your thoughts, your words, your actions and your expectations, be the living embodiment of success. And whatever you envision will surely be within your reach.

"Pursue Success EveryDay"

Success is not something that happens to you. It is something you are. It starts in the morning when you get out of bed. It continues through every moment of the day. Success is built while you are waiting in traffic, during lunch, when you’re walking the dog, sitting at your desk, running errands, and sleeping. It comes from your attitude, your posture, your diet, your use of time, the way you relate to others, the way you respond to challenges both large and small, the way you talk to yourself and others, the priorities you choose to follow, and every little detail of every day.

Success is not a one-time, get-it-done-and-get-it-over-with proposition. It is not something to be acquired and then squirreled away for safekeeping. It is a way of life. Successful people are not just people who have gotten something. They are people who live each moment of each day with an attitude of success.

What can you do to be successful? Everything. Everything you do affects the level of success you achieve at anything you do. Success in one area of your life cannot be isolated from your behavior in another area. After all, you are one person, and however diligently you may attempt to compartmentalize your life, it is still, after all, your life. Real, lasting, fulfilling success is achieved and experienced by the entirety of your self. It is not a part of you. It infuses the whole of you. It comes when you integrate a mind-set of success into every part of every day.

Does every little detail of your life have to be going perfectly in order for you to enjoy success? Of course not. Does every little detail have an affect on your level of success and your ability to reach it? You bet it does. The way you handle the small things has a lot to do with the results you get on the big things. Because most big things are made up of lots of small things.

A business owner would be foolish to say “we lose money on every sale but we make up for it in volume.” It’s a classic example of wrong-headed thinking. If you lose money on each transaction, more transactions cannot possibly help you. The same is true of the details, which make up the moments of your life. If you lose ground with every detail, you lose ground in terms of the big picture, too.

To get from point A to point B you must cover the distance, you must somehow traverse the ground in between. There is no Star Trek-style “transporter room” that will take you there instantly. You must figure out a way to get through the details and then follow that strategy.

Pursue Success Everyday. All Day. Live, eat, and breathe Success....


MindScApe Entertainment.

"The Celebration Of Success"

The Celebration Of Success..... Celebrate Success.....

If you wish to be successful, help others to be successful. If you wish to help others to be successful, be successful yourself.

Success does not occur in a vacuum. Success is most reliably created in a successful environment.

One person’s achievement does not prevent or detract from anyone else’s opportunity to achieve. Quite to the contrary, every achievement creates more possibilities for all to achieve.

There’s no reason to feel guilty for having achieved more, and there’s no reason to feel envious for having less. Instead, be inspired by every achievement you see, and be inspiring in your own creative efforts.

Envision, create and achieve in your unique way. Encourage and celebrate the work of others who seek to do the same.

Success is not built on envy or resentment or punishment or guilt. Success is built upon success, so let the building begin.

"Never Expect A Free Ride"

Don’t expect a free ride. Do the work to create a great ride.

Don’t wish for a life free of effort. Embrace your ability to put forth effort, and arrange your life so that all your efforts are highly fulfilling.

As enticing as it might seem, you will not find any real joy in running away from your responsibilities. Choose instead to celebrate those responsibilities, and to experience the value that comes from honoring and supporting them.

Your life is a grand opportunity, and this day is a crucial part of that opportunity. Just like any valuable opportunity, it is highly demanding.

So stand tall, and feel the joy of knowing that you are meeting those demands. Work with vigor, with enthusiasm, and with the confidence of seeing firsthand that you’re making a difference.

Your life is a difficult and rewarding job. Commit all you have to doing the job, and taste the sweet rewards that flow forth into each day.

Friday, March 27, 2015

"Real Profound Success"

Real success is not merely a matter of getting what you want. After all, a newborn infant with a loud cry can accomplish that.

Real success comes from fully being who you are. Real success comes from giving your own unique value to life.

The less you need, the more fulfilled and powerful and effective you are. As your peacefulness increases, so does your energy level.

Choose not to let the small things anger you, or annoy you, or distract you. And keep in mind that most things are small things.

Stop fretting so much about whether or not you’re getting your way. Seek instead to relax your judgment, and to find the unique value that is in each moment.

You cannot ever fully control everything that happens, and in fact you would not want to do so. Enjoy true success by learning how to take whatever happens, and to make it work for the good of all concerned.

A Real Profound Level of Success... Take Control of what defines you!!

"Success Is A Way Of Life"

Success is not a secret. Success is a direction, a process, and a way of life.

Success is not merely something that you get. Success is all about the way you choose to live.

You can be successful right now. Simply turn your focus, your awareness, your thoughts and actions in a positive, meaningful direction.

Success is the journey, and not merely the end of the road. Every moment is your opportunity to live the success you seek.

Dream without limits, and act on those dreams. Live without excuses or apologies, and with a persistent, driving desire to make a difference.

Success is a way of life. Choose that way right now, and in every moment of every day.

"Your Key To Success"

The key to success is not in some particular technique, program, ritual or idea. The key to your success is you, and what you do.

There are many great people, products, services, values and philosophies that can be extremely helpful. Yet any authentic, fulfilling success you enjoy will come largely from you.

Though you are highly deserving, success in life is not a foregone conclusion. However, you are fortunate to have the opportunity and the ability to make it happen.

If you wish to be successful, then give the best of yourself to that success. The extent of your success flows directly from the size of your commitment.

Be willing to step up and take full and continuing responsibility for your success. That’s what will make it happen.

Nothing will work to bring you success unless you work to bring about that success. Choose a goal that truly means something, do the work, and enjoy all the success you will surely create.

Your Key To Success....

"Ready For Success"

Success is achieved not by doing only what is comfortable and convenient. Success is built by doing what must be done to reach it.

Success is achieved not by waiting until the last minute to get started. Success is created by looking ahead and working to be fully prepared.

Success is achieved not by making a half-hearted effort. Success comes when there is rock-solid commitment and real, meaningful purpose.

Success is achieved not by waiting for the lucky breaks. Success is built by making the most of whatever circumstances and events may come along.

Success is achieved not at random. Success happens when there is a decision and an effort and a commitment to make it happen.

Success is achieved not by a lucky few. Success is achieved by anyone who chooses to create it....

And if you can't handle being talked about, then you are not ready for the success.....

~ J Rag

"Surround YourSelf With Positive People"

Certainly it is possible to succeed in spite of being in negative surroundings. It makes much more sense, however, to arrange your environment so that it works with you rather than against you.

Whatever is right in front of your eyes has an influence on the thoughts that are foremost in your mind. Make your surroundings more positive, and they will help you to be more positive.

Make the effort to spend time in places and situations that inspire and empower you. Get yourself often around people who lift your spirits.

A beautiful setting encourages beautiful thoughts. And beautiful thoughts lead you in a positive direction.

Choose surroundings that continually remind you of life’s goodness. Put yourself in places that keep you focused on your best possibilities.

Your environment has a subtle, yet constant and therefore powerful influence on many aspects of your life. It pays to make that influence as positive and empowering as possible.

Surround yourself with positive people and people that are going to make you better....

"In This Life" by J Rag

"Make It Easy"

'Make It Easy'

"Do you love me for me though?
The real me not my fly alter-ego
I know I'm never not fly
But if I ever was would you still ride?

If it's early in the morning and my breath stink
Would you still roll over kissin' on me like it ain't?
If I didn't have millions in the bank
I'm talkin' cardboard box and a fish tank
Better yet a fish bowl
And if the fame got old
If the cameras didn't flash when I walk through
If I wasn't makin' them Brands when It's all through...
Is this where I lost you? Or is it you holding me down?
You never let 'em bring me down
All the haters in the world right now
Would you add to the stress or would you make it easy...
Make it easy, for me to take it easy.."

Thursday, March 26, 2015

"Success Feeds Success"

Successfully solving one problem puts you in great position to tackle the next problem that comes your way. Meeting a difficult challenge gives you the courage to take on even greater challenges.

Success in one area of your life can be built upon to positively affect all areas of your life. That’s why even the little, seemingly insignificant successes truly matter.

Achievement brings to you a type of satisfaction and energy that nothing else can provide. And it is an energy that can be leveraged into further achievement, and then into even more, in a splendid upward spiral.

When the big achievements seem to elude you, it’s probably because you’re ignoring the countless opportunities for small achievements. Not only do those small achievements add up, they multiply exponentially.

The rich become richer not because of what they have, but because of the direction in which their momentum is flowing. Even the smallest achievement will get your momentum flowing in that same productive direction.

Make something good happen. And there’s no end to where it can take you.

"Success Feeds Success" so instead of getting lost in looking and the search for success... Succeed by Creating your own Success...

~ J Rag

MindScApe Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).



Commitment is not a burden when you are committed to what really matters. Strenuous, complicated effort is not a burden when it furthers the interest of what’s important to you.

In fact, commitment, and all the things necessary to support that commitment, can be immensely empowering. Commitment gives you something to live for, and the value of that is immeasurable.

Commitment is not something to be taken lightly. Yet it is not something to be avoided, either.

Commit yourself to what you care about. Commit yourself to those you love.

Commit yourself, and you have a good, undeniable reason to get up in the morning, every morning. Commit yourself, and you have a solid platform from which to make real, meaningful progress in life.

Be sure of whom or what you’re committing to, and then be relentless in supporting that commitment. Make the commitment, and make real richness in this world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Live Who You Are"

Don’t just advocate and argue for what you value. Live it.

Don’t just wish for and talk about your dreams. Live them.

Devote each individual moment of your life to what you sincerely care about. Bring your hopes, dreams and values to life by consistently living them.

No matter what situation you’re in, you can live it with a focus on what truly matters to you. Every day, there are countless ways to put the beauty of your unique perspective into meaningful action.

There is no need to wait for your dreams to come true. Today is when you can make them true with the way you live your life.

You are overflowing with amazing possibilities. Today, and every day, live what you are.

Check out J RagTv on YouTube for all J Rag Music Videos, Live Event Footage, Interviews, & Behind The Scenes Footage....

Go To http://www.youtube.com/user/jrag3218

"Every Choice Has Power"

Whatever fills your awareness most intensely is what you will bring to life. Instead of filling your awareness with excuses, fill it with passion.

With your moments, your skills, your words and your actions you will change your world today. Choose to let that change be driven by what you love rather than by what you fear.

Focus on the good things, on the possibilities, and on those dreams and values that are your most authentic. Make yourself the living embodiment of the best you can imagine.

Your life is constantly shaped by the way you live it, the way you think of it and the way you feel it. Even the smallest things have an influence, and all those things combine together to build the life you experience.

Every day is an opportunity to more fully express the unique beauty of who you are. Every situation is one in which you can choose to give rich substance and meaning to your world.

Feel the power that exists in every choice, and in every moment. Use that power wisely and purposefully, and live life at its best.

To check out All New Music & Videos by J Rag & Visit The "Official J Rag Music Page"

Go To http://www.reverbnation.com/jrag

"Bring Excellence To Your Life"

You cannot achieve excellence just by proclaiming it to be. Excellence is built in the details.

Attend faithfully and competently to the details, while staying true to your purpose. That is how to bring excellence into your world.

What is done with genuine love is done with excellence. Let love guide you in each moment, and you will consistently create excellence.

Excellence resonates with what is true, what is good and authentically valuable, with what is right. Work with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to truth, and excellence will permeate the results.

Intention is critical, yet excellence does not come from good intentions alone. Excellence comes from actions persistently and consistently guided by the highest and most authentic intentions.

In each thing you do is the opportunity to create excellence. Again and again, bring excellence to life, and live true to your highest purpose.

To Connect with J Rag on FaceBook @jragmusic

Visit http://www.facebook.com/jragmusic

"Just Right"

You’re not too old, too young, too rich, too poor, too big or too small, too outgoing or too shy, too ambitious or too lazy. You’re you, and you are just right.

You’ve learned from what you’ve done and from the consequences you’ve experienced, and now you’re ready to move forward with that accumulation of wisdom. Instead of judging what and where you’ve been, put your focus on visualizing what you can now do.

Don’t get caught up in deciding whether you have too much or too little. Simply decide what the best next step is, and take it.

If you’re constantly comparing yourself with others, you’re missing the point. You are who you are, and there’s enormous value in that, and it’s time to give your own special gifts to life.

Find great delight in fellowship with others, but don’t feel like you have to imitate them. The best thing you have to offer is you, so let go of the pretenses and worries and just have fun being yourself.

You are perfectly positioned to have a positive and unique impact on the world. So instead of fretting about being too much of this or that, just accept the way you are at this moment in time and do something wonderful with it all.

Follow J Rag on Twitter @jragmusic


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Enjoy Success"

Enjoy Your Success

What some people consider unpleasant, others consider enjoyable. The difference is not really in the activity itself. It’s strictly a difference of opinion. Think about that and consider the implications. You have the power to decide what is enjoyable for you and what is unpleasant.

Now, let’s suppose you set a goal for yourself, something you’ve always wanted to achieve. What’s going to happen if you decide that the actions and efforts necessary to reach that goal are unpleasant? If that’s your attitude, you’re either going to avoid taking those actions or you’re going to make yourself miserable while taking them. Either way, you’ll end up being quite ineffective and it’s very unlikely that you’ll ever reach the goal you’ve set.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can just as easily decide to enjoy the efforts necessary for achievement of your goal. Do that, and you’ll actually look forward to taking the needed actions. Plus, you’ll be infinitely more effective when you do act. That’s a powerful combination, and it all results from a simple change in attitude.

The way to enjoy being successful is to enjoy becoming successful. And you can do that any time you choose.

~ J Rag

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"OutDated Assumptions"

Outdated assumptions

Every assumption you have is based on what you’ve experienced in the past. The world has changed since you formed your assumptions, and perhaps it is time for some of those assumptions to change, too....

Assumptions save you the time and trouble of thinking through every decision and impression. Yet there are times when it would be much better to think than to assume...

Many assumptions are so deeply ingrained that you don’t even realize you have them. Stand back, put some effort into examining your assumptions, and you’ll likely find some opportunities for improvement you never even knew you had.

If there’s something that frustrates you, there’s a good possibility that a change in your assumptions could ease that frustration. If you feel stuck, or ineffective, or unsure of what direction to go, it could be an outdated assumption that’s responsible...

Each time the sun rises, life presents you with a fresh, new day. Let it serve as a reminder of the value that can come from a fresh, new perspective.

Some assumptions can serve you well, and yet there are, right now, many assumptions holding you back. Be willing to be honest with yourself, to discard the assumptions that no longer work, and to see life in a new, empowering way...

~ J Rag

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Daily Inspiration"

"You can be anything you want in this world.... Just don't be UnGrateful..."
~ J Rag

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"Daily Motivation"

"Surround Yourself with People who are gonna make you better.."
~ J Rag

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"Stop & Think"

"Before you discuss someone and talk about them and what they are doing... Stop & Think... What the fuck does this have to do with Me...."
~ J Rag

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Ne Yo - "Worth It" [New Music]

"Worth It" [New Music] by Ne-Yo - from his 2015 Album "Non-Fiction"

#NeYo #Music #NewAlbum #NewMusic #HipHop #RandB #Soul #Pop #MTV #BET #RevoltTv #NonFiction #WorthIt #XXL #VibeMagazine #TheSource #Complex #ComplexMagazine #HipHopDx #WSHH #HipHopNews #HNHH #HHN247 #AllHipHop #NeYo #NeYo #NeYo #NonFiction

Friday, March 13, 2015

New Music by J Rag

Check out All New Music from J Rag @ http://www.reverbnation.com/jrag

New Album "In This Life" & "In The Mirror" are both available now on iTunes, Amazon, & Google Play!!

Check out Official Music Videos, Live Concert Footage, Events, & Interviews @ http://www.youtube.com/user/jrag3218

#jRag #Celebrity #Empire #Fox #EmpireOnFox #HipHop

"The Tommy Brown Show" [Commercial Shoot]

A Behind The Scenes Look at the filming of "The Tommy Brown Show" [Commercial Shoot] with a Live Studio Audience.. Special Celebrity Guests & Appearances... And Much More... Commercial and The Talk Show Airing Soon!!

#jRag #Celebrity #Fashion #Music #HipHop #TalkShow #Studio #Commercial #TheTommyBrownShow #Philly #Philadelphia #PhiladelphiaMagazine #PhiladelphiaWeekly #People #PeopleMag #PeopleMagazine #InTouch #InTouchMagazine #InTouchWeekly #HipHopWeekly #HipHopWeeklyMagazine #XXL #VibeMagazine #Complex #ComplexMagazine #MindScApeEntertainment #RevoltTv #Comcast #xFinity #Verizon

Empire On Fox

2015 MindScApe Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. (c)J Rag Publishing(ASCAP).

#jRag #Celebrity #Fashion #Empire #Fox #EmpireOnFox #HipHop #People #PeopleMag #PeopleMagazine