Reasons Women Assume You're Gay
Do girls keep thinking of you as a friend, despite your best efforts to attract them? You may have lots of female friends and talk about being attracted to them; however, you may not realize that women assume you're batting for your own team because you send out gay signals. Here are four reasons why women might assume you’re gay.
1. You show a lack of interest
If you're invited back to her place and you don’t drop any hints of being interested in her or at least try to make a move, she will think that maybe you're just not into women at all. Women want you to be a gentleman and respect their limits; however, failing to initiate physical contact after a few encounters and not looking at intentionally exposed cleavage can also make them feel that your indifference is stemming from your sexual preference.
2. You're extremely homophobic
Gays are mostly invisible to completely straight men, so when you constantly go out of your way to mock gay people and become obsessed with the sexuality of people around you, women can’t help but wonder what you're so worried about and if you're slowly trying to come out of the closet yourself.
3. You're the gossip guy
Women love it when the guy they’re interested in is a good conversationalist, but don’t overdo that. Sitting around for hours dishing the dirt about people is pretty much the territory of women and gay men.
4. Being overly interested in fashion and your appearance
All women like men who take care of themselves and dress well, but being ultra fashion savvy, spending more time in front of the mirror than she does and having a more complex hair care routine than the average women can immediately raise some flags and place you in a woman’s gay-dar.